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Cre-Inducible Mammalian Expression System

Cre-Inducible Mammalian Expression System

Cre-Inducible Mammalian Expression System

Cre-Lox Recombination is a site-specific recombinase technique for deletion, insertion, translocation and inversion at specific sites of cellular DNA. It allows DNA modifications to be targeted to specific cell types or triggered by specific external stimuli. It is implemented in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems. The system consists of a single enzyme, Cre recombinase, which recombines a pair of short target sequences called Lox sequences. The system can be implemented without inserting any additional supporting proteins or sequences.

Proper placement of the Lox sequence can activate, inhibit or exchange genes with other genes. At the DNA level, many types of operations can be performed. Cre activity can be controlled to express in specific cell types or triggered by external stimulation (such as a chemical signal or heat shock). Creative BioMart has developed a variety of inducible expression systems based on Cre-lox Recombination.

A Recommended Expression Method

We offer Regular Plasmid Mediated Inducible Mammalian Expression System. This is the most commonly selected expression method.

The system uses loxP-stop-loxP (LSL) box to achieve CRE mediated conditional activation of gene expression in mammalian cells and animals. The LSL box contains loxP flanking triplet repeats of the SV40 polyadenylation sequence. The promoter selected by the user is located upstream of the box, while the gene of interest is located downstream of the box. In the absence of Cre recombinase, the cassette completely blocks the transcription of the target gene. After CRE is introduced into the cells carrying the vector, it is cut off and the promoter selected by the user is allowed to drive the transcription of the target gene.

In order to use the vector system in cell culture, we added antibiotic-based or fluorescent markers to the vector to allow selection or visualization of transfected cells, including isolation of cells that permanently integrate the vector into the genome.

Cre-Inducible Mammalian Expression System

What Else can be Achieved at Creative BioMart?

In addition to the Regular Plasmid Mediated Inducible Mammalian Expression System, we will also provide Cre-inducible mammalian expression system mediated by PiggyBac, Lentivirus, Adenovirus.

All of our vectors are designed for Cre-mediated gene expression in mammalian cells and animals. Expression of the gene of interest is initially silent, however can be permanently activated by co-expression of Cre recombinase, which will invert the gene of interest to its coding orientation. In the presence of Cre, the expression of the gene of interest is under the control of the user-selected promoter.

Customers who need our assistance are more than welcome to contact us or submit an online inquiry. Our professional team will provide you with detailed guidance and solution ASAP.


  1. Kühn R., M. Torres R. (2002) Cre/loxP Recombination System and Gene Targeting. In: Clarke A.R. (eds) Transgenesis Techniques. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 180.