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Trp Regulated Expression Service

Trp Regulated Expression Service

The recombinant protein expression system regulated by Trp promoter has been developed and matured gradually, and it can be used in different scales of high-level protein production. The operon is regulated so that when tryptophan is present in the environment, the tryptophan synthesis gene is not expressed. After induction, the transcription of the gene cloned from Trp promoter on plasmid increased about 50 times, and the gene product could reach 30% of the total cell protein. The promoter is easy to obtain and the activation conditions are simple, and can be used in the background of E. coli host. Creative BioMart's technical platform now provides Trp system-related services to clients in need.

Trp Regulated Expression

What We can do for You?

We offer a variety of flexible service packages for the choice of the client.

  • One-stop service:

Client only needs to provide the target sequence and requirements. We will be responsible for the steps including codon evaluation, expression vector design, induced expression, expression condition optimization, protein product detection, and large-scale production.

  • Carrier construction service:

We can also build an expression vector regulated by Trp promoter for you. Our library contains hundreds of compatible plasmid carrier skeletons, which can build multiple vector candidates according to your needs.

  • Technical consultation service:

If you encounter post-transcriptional problems in the experiment, you can consider our post-transcriptional problem guidance service. We will point out the possible problems for you and provide corresponding solutions.

Technology Description

The transcription of Trp promoter is controlled by intracellular free tryptophan level. Tryptophan binding to Trp apolipoprotein repressor can compete with RNA polymerase and bind to Trp promoter/operon. We usually choose wheel 3- β Indoleacetic acid (IAA) binds to Trp apolipoprotein repressor to form an inactive Trp pseudorepressor that does not bind to Trp operon. This allows the RNA polymerase to bind to the promoter and transcribe the gene of interest.

Trp Regulated Expression

Service Details

Below is the description of our basic services:

Service Name Service Description Deliverable
Preparation of Trp vector backbone
  • Digestion with restriction enzyme, dephosphorylation.
  • Gel purification
  • Cloning vector
  • QC data
  • Final report
  • Protein product (quantity as per customer requirements)
Preparation of target DNA
  • Codon optimization
  • Plasmid purification
  • Gel purification
Subclone construction
  • Subclone the target sequence to the Trp  vector
  • Transformation of non-expression host bacteria
  • Screening positive clones
  • Clone sequencing to determine ORF
Protein expression
  • Trp promoter Induction
  • Plasmid stability test (optional)
  • The cellular and subcellular components, expression time, temperature conditions, protein solubility and activity test
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of protein products
Scale up and protein purification
  • Amplification Culture
  • Preparation of crude extract
  • Affinity purification
  • Cut off fusion tag and remove protease (if necessary)

Customers who need our assistance are more than welcome to contact us or submit an online inquiry. Our professional team will provide you with detailed guidance and solution ASAP.